Housing alone is just one piece of the puzzle, which is why we offer extensive support services to help participants to build brighter futures. We provide intensive case management to link all clients to supportive services.

Supportive Services
Learn more about SSPADS programs and services that provide ongoing support and assistance to our community and clients.

Case Management
Our case managers work collaboratively to help each household identify and pursue their goals. Case managers receive extensive training to implement evidence-based strategies, including housing first, trauma-informed care, motivational interviewing, harm reduction and cultural competency.
Pathways to Better Health
The Pathways to Better Health program was created to help people who have been homeless or formerly homeless access primary care and mental health services to improve their overall health. SSPADS employs two community health workers to provide health education, assess healthcare needs, coordinate healthcare referrals, assist in scheduling appointments, provide transportation and follow up with clients to ensure that their healthcare needs are being met.
Pathways to Financial Security
The Pathways to Financial Security program employs a team of volunteers from participating financial institutions to provide financial education classes and training. Through this assistance, participants set goals, prioritize, create budgets, establish bank accounts, establish emergency reserves and ultimately work to achieve greater economic security.
Support for Children and Families
SSPADS helps families obtain stable housing, school-based services, school supplies, childcare and other services needed to overcome homelessness.
Street Outreach
South Suburban PADS engages homeless people at libraries, hospitals, department store parking lots, forest preserves and other locations to encourage them to take advantage of emergency shelter and other available resources.
As a founding partner of the HUB, South Suburban PADS helps participants to access food, clothing, workforce training and other services through a network of participating agencies. For information, please call the HUB helpline at 708-966-9482, visit the website at FindHelpSouthCook.org or download the smartphone app by opening this link on your phone.
Culinary Arts
The culinary arts program is offered at the Country Club Hills Wellness Center location for residents. The culinary arts program teaches participants how to create healthy meals on a limited budget.
Other supportive services provided through SSPADS and agency partners include:
- Life skills training and coaching
- Food access
- Grief counseling
- Vision and dental services.
- School supplies
- Furniture and household furnishings assistance
- Transportation
- Referrals for primary care, mental health, and addiction services