Affordable Housing

    Affordable apartment for someone experiencing homelessness

    Affordable Housing

Ultimately, housing is the solution for homelessness. With appropriate assistance, families and individuals experiencing homelessness can get back on their feet, obtain affordable apartments and progress toward self-sufficiency. Through supportive housing, individuals and families are stabilized and provided wraparound services, including case management, recovery services, counseling, employment support, life skills training, financial management, and other skills training to build their capacity to secure and retain permanent housing.


South Suburban PADS collaborates with other agencies throughout suburban Cook County to prioritize affordable housing opportunities for individuals and families with the greatest need. As a result, individuals and families need a referral from the EntryPoint Coordinated Entry system to be eligible for all SSPADS affordable housing programs. SSPADS staff assist our shelter guests through this process.

All others seeking assistance should contact EntryPoint:

  • Phone: 877-426-6515
  • Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm M & F / 8:30am-7pm T, W, & Thurs
  • Website:

Affordable Housing Options 

Learn more about the programs and services available for affordable housing. To apply for affordable housing, please visit the Housing Authority of Cook County website at

Country Club Hills Wellness Center

Rapid Rehousing

South Suburban PADS provides Rapid opportunities for individuals and families that have experienced homelessness for a short period of time and can quickly access and maintain housing. Through these evidence-based programs, South Suburban PADS helps approximately 150 people per year. 


Participants receive: 

  • Security deposits.
  • Temporary rental assistance for three to 24 months.
  • Housing search and move-in assistance.
  • Household furnishings assistance.
  • Case management assistance to establish and achieve household goals.
  • Referrals for healthcare, mental healthcare, addiction services, employment services, financial education and other supportive services. 

Permanent Supportive Housing

South Suburban PADS provides permanent supportive housing for highly vulnerable individuals and families that have been chronically homeless (12 or more months cumulatively) and have one or more disabling conditions. Supportive housing residents receive housing and supportive services for as long as needed, with a goal to become more self-sufficient and ultimately transition to an independent living opportunity. Through these evidence-based programs, South Suburban PADS helps approximately 250 people per year. 


Participants receive: 

  • Security deposits.
  • Access to an apartment for as long as needed.
  • Housing search and move-in assistance.
  • Furniture and household furnishings assistance.
  • Case management assistance to establish and attain household goals.
  • Life skills training, employment search assistance, financial education, healthcare coordination, health education and transportation assistance.
  • Referrals for healthcare, mental healthcare, addiction and other services.

Country Club Hills Wellness Center

South Suburban PADS’ largest permanent supportive housing program is the Country Club Hills Wellness Center (CCHWC). The CCHWC is a 77-unit permanent supportive housing development with studio, one, and two-bedroom apartments. The CCHWC features a full commercial kitchen for our culinary arts program, a computer lab, an onsite medical clinic operated in partnership with Aunt Martha’s, a community room and classroom space for educational programs. The CCHWC is a partnership between SSPADS and Turnstone Development Corporation.